Text English
Twój biznes


Uruchomienie firmy - i co dalej
Text English

  1. Forming an enterprise i.e. establishing the legal and organizational basis for a business activity is the culmination of the whole process of preparation for starting a new business. Using the analogy of a car, the legal and organizational framework, most appropriate for a specific enterprise, is the vehicle we use to start our long and adventurous business journey. This section will discuss the key actions to be taken at this stage.

  2. The first thing to do is to register a new business entity in the administrative or judicial registers as well as statistical, tax and social security systems. For some types of business activities, special permits or licenses will be necessary.  Regardless of the formal requirements, however, to achieve the state of operational readiness to run a business it is also necessary to take a number of other actions, including:
    • opening a bank account
    • leasing office space for the company seat (as well as, depending on the needs, production or storage space)
    • procuring  accounting services
    • obtaining access to telephone facilities (possibly also a fax) and access to the Internet
    • registration of an Internet domain and getting an e-mail address
    • registration of trademark

      With each activity it is advisable to identify in advance the related costs and fees, how time-consuming they will be and in which sequence they should be performed.

  3. To achieve the state of operating readiness it will also be necessary to formalize the principles of employment with regard to the initial staff of the firm. It is also crucial to put the relations with the vendors of materials, equipment and the necessary auxiliary services in order.  The event which confirms the start-up of a new business is usually the first sales invoice being issued. It has its practical dimension, because it gives rise to the obligation of tax reporting.

  4. Beginner entrepreneurs usually identify the establishment of a venture with ending the registration procedures.
    However, experience shows that the actual end of the start-up process can be acknowledged only when the venture overcomes the difficulties characteristic for the start-up stage and achieves the preliminary level of organizational maturity, described as a  business platform. This is a situation in which the basic threats to the survival of the new entity significantly diminish and the conditions for a further development occur.

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