Birth of a Program
Dynamic segment of entrepreneurship
Programs and teaching methods
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Main page / Textbook / Materials for lecturers / Programs and teaching methods

This field offers extensive possibilities in running classes for students as part of BA and MA courses as well as various post-graduate programs. Based on my own experience as well as research conducted into the programs of Western academic institutions I have pinpointed two core types of subjects (lectures) offered which may both be called “How to start your own business”.

    Basic course option providing students with an introduction to essentials of setting up a business
    Advanced course option preparing students to the actual launch of a venture
Both variants share identical teaching methods where students first study the assigned sections of a textbook plus supplementary materials offered on the vortal and later on this material along with issues pertaining to a given business venture are discussed in class (individual and group work) under the supervision of a trainer. This methodology does not preclude the classic lecture form. The reference sites of the individual subjects will feature templates of standard PowerPoint presentations to be used by instructors in class.
The fundamental difference between the basic and advanced variants is as follows:
    The basic course option ought to be run on the 2nd or 3rd year of studies so as to spark the interest of students in this career option. As for the advanced option, it ought to be addressed to final year students.
    In the basic course students perform assigned tasks pertaining to a venture planned for teaching purposes. This may sometimes lead to the birth of a real company yet it does not constitute the core objective of the course. The advanced course assumes that participants work on a venture concept which is to be actually launched. Of course, only some of such ventures see the light of day.
    In the advanced course, the final effect is a business plan developed individually or in groups (in its basic form), whereas participants of the basic course complete the course having elaborated an initial business concept. These notions are further discussed in Unit 3 of the textbook, pp. 99-112.
    A subject in the basic course may be taught by a single instructor but the advanced option requires the assistance of another person (trainer) not only in view of the required expertise in the assessment of business plans but also in view of the time needed for each venture to be reviewed and discussed.

To sum up, as far as the advanced course of the program is concerned, its execution is possible only in the event supplementary means are acquired for advisorship and financial support, for the best ventures if not for all. To exemplify such practical execution of an advanced course option is the project “How to start your won business – an educational and advisory program for students” financed with EU means presented in the SPECIAL PROGRAMS section on the vortal. One must bear in mind that UE funds will be available under the new budget perspectives for the years 2007 to 2013 for the execution of such projects on a larger scale with respect to dynamic, innovative, knowledge based ventures initiated in the academic milieu.